The Layoff

Layoffs Discussion, News and Rumors – Welcome to our platform, your safe haven for sharing the untold stories about layoffs in your company. Here, you can voice your personal experiences, share inside news, and even speculate about potential layoffs, all without fear of retaliation.

Unlike other platforms, we stand firm in our commitment to our users. We will NOT comply with takedown requests from corporations. Our site is 100% user-driven, meaning we don’t own the content. Therefore, we bear no responsibility for the reviews posted by our users.

Our website operates outside the jurisdiction of US/Canadian Law, providing an extra layer of protection for our users. We also ensure the complete anonymity of our users by purging log files daily.

We firmly believe that employees have the right to hold corporations accountable for their actions and share their stories freely

If you’ve been laid off or have news about an impending layoff, you can communicate it here with confidence. This is your safe space.

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